
A Fresher in my company stated he'd like to get into CyberSecurity. I offered him mentorship, however his motivation and drive doesn't really line up with this interest. If I stop reaching out and pushing him, this whole thing would probably just die silently. Or is there a cultural gap between USA and India that I am missing?

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    Is the fresher indian or yankee?
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    I've experienced something similar, also an Indian dude, but it isn't anything cultural as he was born and raised in the same country as me. In his case he's just lazy as hell and keeps telling us he wants to learn this or that while he just tries to make as much time pass without having to do any real work.

    Usually when someone is trying to learn a new skill they'll need lots of alone time to read up, study, practice, etc. Exactly what a lazy employee needs to just keep slacking and not do any work. And when he's expected to have learnt something after a month or so, he'll make up another 'interest' to pursue, rinse and repeat.
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    Will you be kind enough to mentor me online about cyber security? Or direct me in the correct direction?
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    @ajinxs I am more a DevOps engineer, so my take on security is mostly cloud permissions and making sure traffic is encrypted and following the allowed paths. Naomi Buckwalter made a course about CyberSecurity: https://linkedin.com/learning/...
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    @Wolle hey thx for your reply and the link. This looks interesting, thanks for your help mate.
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    I am sorry. My experience, is that it is cultural. 🤷🏼‍♂️ They try and get away with it. It’s 90 percent bullshitting (using a lot of fancy words) and the rest is just utter crap code). I know generalization and abstractions of people are bad. It’s just that I’ve been observing this for 15 years now in various different companies. I call it… the truth.

    And I know I am wrong. I just feel like the brains are not there! How are one then going to understand complex problems. If you can’t know the problem how the heck are you going to solve it?
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    @Wolle Cultural thing. They're eager to.... seem eager. Motivated. This is how they try to stay out of the 'we-could-probably-fire-this-person-when-budget-gets-tighter' list.
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