
What is it with this trend if having a SIM card in every modern car? Fucks sake, can't even find one that can be sold without -_-

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    Do they not run if one is not installed?
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    @electrineer I wish I knew
  • 4
    Most of the time you know it is for your own security.

    When you crash, the car can send a signal or message to the first responders.

    Happened here with a Peugeot car. Got rear-ended (really bad) and someone called the car asking if everybody was ok, told some instructions to follow, said also that they already knew the position and an ambulance was on the way.

    Without sim, I really hope for you that someone else will stop and call 911 instead of start filming it on tiktok and other stuff. (That is sadly how the world works now...)
  • 2
    @Grumm I would understand if it was used ONLY for that purpose, but it's not, and I'm not buying :/
  • 3
    @h4xx3r Should indeed be the only usecase to allow a sim card. I can imagine that tesla tracks every move too :/
  • 3
    @Grumm you don't need a SIM card to call 911.

    I guess you should to switch to public transport 🤷‍♂️
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