
The company I work for offered a Javascript Course/Training for every developer to enroll, which happens to take place on 3 days. In the description it was ensured to be for everyone, doesn't matter if you are an expert or beginner: there's something to learn for everyone.

The company described him as a top coacher in Austria and that he is overbooked for 2 years. High in demand indeed. "Has to be good", I thought. As a relatively average JS developer, there has to be something to learn for me.

Sitting here the second day, I fucking regret to join this shit. I have never seen such a bullshit in my lifetime. Why the fuck would you even book this man, he doesn't even understand basic concepts of software engineering. Just reading down the script, opening the script on one laptop and showcaseing it on the other. When someone asks a question, there's a 70% chance he doesn't know the answer. It takes this scumbag 30 fucking seconds to define a function; probably making spelling mistakes alongside.

I don't even want to know how much this dude will make from this "coaching". Hoped that it'd get better over time but I don't see an improvement. Contacting my boss that I'll leave this "training".

  • 11
    This is exactly word for word my experience with some schmuck they forced us to sit through at work.

    I asked him a couple questions and the guy couldn't even give a straight answer.

    It was so fucking awkward that I called in sick the days we had to do this "training".
  • 8
    I remember one time I had to deal with one of these dudes trying to bullshit his way around me with crazy shit about stereoscopic lenses and cameras.

    It was oh so satisfying to see the look of terror in his face when *his* boss mentioned that I was a physicist on top of being a developer.
  • 7
    >In the description it was ensured to be for everyone, doesn't matter if you are an expert or beginner: there's something to learn for everyone.

    Red flag right here. What that actually means is "the course itself might be shit, but you MIGHT apply *something* from it in *something else unrelated to the course*."

    I had to do a company wide SCRUM training and it was the same shit. You can't just have one course to fit all different profiles.
  • 1
    @nitnip That‘s right. I thought they‘ll pool similarly experienced developers together, so it becomes meaningful. But as we see I expected too much.
  • 0
    You only go into those trainings to get a badge to put on your CV. Potential clients like it. If you're not a consultant... well, suppose if there's ignorant management people, they like it on your CV too & might be grounds for a raise for increased knowledge. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    They are *not* a learning experience.
  • 2
    @lankku they're learning experience about picking lectors, managing expectations, etc...
  • 0
    Sounds like 75% of the "trainings" I have the misfortune to get from third party companies the people I work for hire. No matter the company, same problem.

    Waste of time.
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