
Does anyone else feel that "retirement" is an outdated concept? Our generation will probably never truly retire, not in the same sense that this word meant in 20th century.

Considering how much the government-mandated retirement age went up; most of us will prolly die from continuous stress way before the day of "retirement" comes

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    I have my retirement plans in my fire safe.

    A wad of cash and a pistol and bullet with my name on it.

    I'll retire when I'm good and ready and nobody is going to tell me otherwise.
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    It's going to vary wildly from culture to culture.

    In the UK I suspect it's likely the state pension is just going to become a means tested benefit rather than something everyone gets, then retirement age will basically be determined by your company pension plan rather than anything the government says.

    In reality it'll probably turn into a de-facto standard of the rich retiring at 50, and the rest of us working 30 years past that.
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    Whenever I get diagnosed with terminal cancer, and told I only have months to live, I plan to burn through my savings fulfilling my vengeance list, just to bitchslap whoever of them still alive.
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    @sariel In my country, most people are not allowed to have a gun. I don't want to spend USD10k for assisted suicide either. So my options are either a bunch of sleeping pills or drown myself in the sea. Hopefully someday I can find something less painful when I am done with this life.
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    @cho-uc I hear drowning is peaceful once you just accept it.

    If I didn't have access to a gun, it would be garden hose in the car trick.

    Chances are likely I would never shoot myself. Too painful. I also believe that your final moments after death are basically a dream state. So no brain, no "afterlife".
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    @cho-uc tall buildings exist...
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    1. There is still a small chance that I will survive after the incident. Being crippled or in a vegetative state, not quite alive and not dead yet is my worst nightmare.

    2. I don't want to incite trauma to lots of people.
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