
The human engineers are now about 1 or 2 steps away from creating strong AI. We now have decent drawing AI, decent voice actor AI and a confident bullshit AI. All components are already there. Actual human reasoning is in essence confident bullshitter getting cross-checked a few times. Throw a few confident bullshitter AIs together, make them check each other's outputs, and you have basically human reasoning.

It is terrifying because of the coming implications for our society 🤡 At the same time, I am proud of the engineers who worked hard on the technical advancements for the AI and made amazing progress. I know how it feels to work tirelessly on a complicated technical task 💻🌙

  • 0
    "The human engineers are now about 1 or 2 steps away from creating strong AI" - nope.
  • 2
    @qword we just need the right kind of unhinged person to mix CRISPR and the next gen of chatGPT and we might have something
  • 1
    They are also 5 years away from automatic translations which we can trust. Like we were 5 years ago. And 5 years before that. And 5 years even before. And 5 years…
  • 0
    I half agree. What we have isn't as much artificial intelligence and more artificial bullshiting

    And we're getting closer to a strong AB
    (or ABS? those abbreviations don't sound helpful)
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