
The whole CSS "centering" thing is so funny because that problem is easy per se but it can pop up in ways you've never seen before and you have to learn how to center your stuff for 9832 different situations

  • 2
    If in doubt: flexbox.
  • 0
    True, if you count all the permutations of this flow chart of options it's probably over 9000

  • 1
    it's super simple actually, the hard part is undoing shitty css someone else made to try to center it
  • 1
    Yeah, nowadays it's not so horrible, but I still shudder at the amount of wrapping you need to do to pull tricks when not using flex box.

    Then again, I openly admit I'm a doofus at CSS.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX Yep, it still needs a surprising amount of non-semantic tags to do some nice designs. But the state of web design has come a long way from tables and spacer images. We can even do pure HTML/CSS dropdown menus since some years.
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