Week#1: I love Eclipse. Its so cool
Week#2: I love sublime. It's so fast
Week#3: I love atom. It's an .....

  • 18
    Try VSCode!
  • 6
    Sublime FTW!!
  • 2
    VSCode ftw
  • 4
    Clearly you haven't tried notepad.
    Notepad for life.
  • 1
    VScode and jetbrain product.. because .

    « i love atom because it's an editor i never tried »
  • 2
    Spacemacs with Evil. For real. And maybe IntelliJ. With IdeaVim, of course.
  • 0
    Week#most-awesome-week: Install vim, and decide to use it until the last day of ur life xD
  • 1
    @CSaratakij have you ever tried Spacemacs with Evil?
  • 2
    @ArchieT Spacemacs is fine when it works!! Had some issues working with it. Nice concept though, every shortcut starts with a space!!
  • 2
    @ArchieT I don't need it.
    I config my entire computing experience to avoid mouse usage as much as possible. (I can use computer with keyboard 99.99% of time)
    I live in tty + tmux + framebuffer & start x server only I really need gui app more than 2 app at the same time or that gui app that didn't design with keyboard usage (ex, gimp). Thats not all, I use tty (agetty) with laptop and not use x server or gpu that much is a killer feature. more battery on the go and less cpu usage on idle (about 0-2% at idle, not climb up to 30% on use vim). u can do much more with framebuffer, ex watch youtube (not ascii text, real color like you watch youtube normally on ur phone), open pdf, view picture, read rss, play reddit, etc.. and yes, cli & tui app is freaking lightweight -> more memory available.
    compare to spacemacs , my dev env is more superb.
    If you want to see my config -> https://github.com/CSaratakij/...
    (I pretty serious -> when it come to ditching mouse.)
  • 0
    I can use almost any editor as long as it doesn't depends on Java.
  • 0
    Is this a good moment to say:
    Notepad++ was good for webdev 🙃
  • 1
    @CSaratakij I'm gonna save your comment as screenshot for some guidelines I could apply later
  • 0
    I am definitely a VScode fan for now.
  • 2
    @oscarascal Your welcome 😎
    These search keyword will help u -> "framebuffer, drm, ditch x, no x11, mouse less computing"
  • 2
    @oscarascal oh, not drm=digital right management,
    but drm=direct rendering manager
  • 0
    JetBrains IDEs. Try them. Your life will be changed.
  • 0
    Why not Vim 😂
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