
Fuck apple for making it as hard as fuck to sign in to my fucking apple id. Because my ex wife was my "trusted" number, I couldn't get an authentication code. Tech support told me it would take 3 days to reset my password.

After 3 hours of fucking around, I finally was able to reset my password.

I've been trying to get my kids to watch stupid Indiana Jones for years. They finally agreed. After going through 3 hours of BS so I could buy the movie, we start watching it. Literally, as the boulder is rolling down toward Dr. Jones, the movie stops suddenly so that Apple can verify my purchase!

Then, it asks me to buy it again!

  • 10
    This is the most one of the reason for piracy.
  • 4
    I’m an Apple fanboy, but you are right, especially appletv it’s fucking shite. Also the appleID can really cause problems if you want to change shit. Amazon Prime is great for movies, much better than ATV.
  • 1
    AppleTV suuuuuccks. I canceled it after they raised it to $69 (ironically) and after having to spend 3 hours watching a 1.5 hr movie because the stupid app kept buffering, freezing, and shutting down.
  • 0
    @ostream ALL tech is this way now. Commodity economics leads to this. It doesn’t matter whether I buy Apple or Microsoft computers, someone somewhere is being oppressed. The only way to stop it is for literally everyone to boycott the entire tech industry. No one hold their breath.
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