Is it just me or programmers do suck at documentation?

  • 1
    We don't do documentation.
    Support is responsible for creating user documentation. We only document our solution - architecture and choices. How to use the system is the UX + support's responsibility, and should be clarified in feature requests that we implement.

    I would never write a document on how to use what I coded. That responsibility belongs to the requester of the system/feature.
  • 3
    I'll show myself out... That's a yes 😓
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    That was all what I was doing in the last few days for a couple of features I implemented month ago. :P
  • 2
    I join the documentation haters club. I used to flame over applications that do not have good documentation but then I have changed as of now and have come to a mutual understanding of the pain it takes to create/maintain good docs.
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    I think that creating them isn't the hardest thing but maintaining them as up-to-date is truly challenge. Mainly probably because of the fact that code maintenance usually takes a long course over time horizon, and second, most of docs maintained separately from the code, even they are just comments right above the code, no updating it usually wouldn't cause compiling failure. Overtime, things sure drift with no doubt. There are people believe that "documentation is evil."
  • 1
    Scope creep doesn't leave any time for documentation :(
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