
I never thought in my life that I would say this sentence one day - but:

Today I switched back to VS Code because it uses less memory than IntelliJ.

Context: Only temporary, very resource hungry dev environment, TypeScript, IntelliJ used >4.5 GB of ram and started lagging.

  • 3
    Right before "Why i switched from vscode to vim"

    All roads lead to vim
  • 1
    @kotska I‘m actually using vim plugins in all my editors. Can‘t imagine not having it.
  • 0
    I could imagine some actual reasons to switch from IntelliJ to something else (not VS Code though) - but memory use definitely isn't in the list.

    Did you use their EAP builds and suffered from the recent broken beta? If so, just switch back to stable and everything should be working fine again.
  • 0
    should be no problem if you have 16 GB RAM :-D
  • 0
    According to experience, if you are a web developer. You should use VS code, vim, or sublime text.
    Any other thing is an overkill
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