
Sorry, I'm very stupid and know nothing about cloud development.

My need: I have a php code I want to put in cloud and launch as a task every N minutes automatically until I decide to stop it.

What is the best solution to do it, do you know some good services that allows me to do it easily, quickly and affordably?
For ex. "Heroku" allows me to do something like that?

Thanks in advance, I would really like to learn this part of software development I never touched in my life.

P.S. It's not a service I want to put online with access for users, it's just a "script" I want to have running on a server until I'm done.

  • 5
    Deploy a cheap server with php installed.

    Use cron tab to run script every X minutes/ hours / days etc.
  • 4
    @C0D4 Thank you very much!
    I didn't know about the existence of "CRON", so I would never found it.
    It happened to be in the cPanel on the server I was using, so I managed to accomplish the thing I was trying to do.
  • 0
    @JS96 you would have learned about its existence if you tried to google "launch php script in interval"
  • 1
    @Midnight-shcode I just put that phrase in google and the first 10 results are about looping it with ajax, so it wasn't that easy to find.

    I preferred to ask on a website full of friendly devs, devRant, instead of searching randomly on google (something I've already did before).
  • 0
    @JS96 add "server-side" to the query.
    anyways, i'm not putting you down, just giving googling tips
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