I installed elementary os, and my computer froze every 5 minutes or so. I have a surface pro 3 any suggestions on a stable Linux distro? Pretty lame rant but I did try 3 distos and all were glitchy.

  • 5
    This is why I have the hardest time making the jump to Linux as my 'daily driver'. I'm tired of Windows' security & privacy issues, but dangit, it just works and looks good and runs smooth.

    I have yet to find a Linux distro that gives me the same smooth, stable performance and doesn't require me spending hours configuring it and looking for tweaks on forums.

    I dunno, maybe I'm holding out for a unicorn.
  • 3
    Debian is really laid out for stability and I can confirm that. Throw a window manager on it and you should be good to go. I would recommend Xfce
  • 2
    Op and @stryter , try out mint, 99% stable and works out of the box.
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    It's an elementary issue. Used to have this and wrote a script that cleans the ram!
  • 1
    Go for ubuntu with gnome desktop
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    if you come from windows, linux mint is bae
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    @RazorSh4rk I will try mint thanks man!
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    I mainly use a mac, this is why I tried out a few Mac like experiences like elementary os.
  • 2
    Elementary is not so good as it's focused on design and the system stability is not so good.
  • 4
    @RazorSh4rk I don't think I have tried Mint in about a year or so. I'll have to give it another go.

    The most recent (and prettiest) distro I've tried is Deepin. It has some compatibility issues and some annoying bugs but it's not too bad overall. It appears to be a Chinese-developed distro though, which doesn't give me lots of warm fuzzies about my privacy but at least it's still open source.
  • 3
    Debian is rock stable

    Fedora is relatively stable with the latest software

    equivalent of Debian in rpm world is RHEL which you can get one licence for free for development

    same with Ubuntu

    elementary and mint are just derivatives of Ubuntu!
  • 0
    Try solus linux, it's my bae..
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