Nvidia at it again. After receiving backlash for trying to pass off a 4070 as 4080/12GB, und "unlaunching" it, they did the same shit again.

This time with a 3060/8GB. Yes, as RTX 3060, a well established product with a lot of reviews, intentionally misleading the customers who think that a 3060 is always the regular 12GB model. And the new shit isn't even cheaper.

The main issue isn't the reduced amount of VRAM, it's cutting down the memory bus from 192 to 128 bits, that costs quite some performance.

So if you see a 3060 and think it might be a bargain, watch out that you don't accidentally end up with the "bait and switch" 8GB model.

Or even better, consider a 6650 XT that is both faster and cheaper than a 3060, and RT is lackluster on the small RTX cards anyway.

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    Well, it is Nvidia. They have an image to maintain.
  • 4
    They must be really struggling somehow to pull this kind of shit. So these are boards officially from NVidia? I could see a 3rd party doing this. But an NVidia board that does this is completely bullshit.

    Just a note. My laptop I believe is a 3060 and it came with 8GB. But I think that is typical of laptops.

    Edit: Correction my laptop 3060 was 6GB. So half of desktop I guess.
  • 5
    @Demolishun Nvidia doesn't allow AIB-partners to pull of such crap all by themselves, and on Nvidia's own website https://nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/... , you find this (highlight by me):
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Wow, a 3060 ti with only 8 GB...
    nVidia truly can't stop itself from being a greedy cunt.
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation From a quantity POV, 8GB is totally fine for 1080p, which is what these cards target.

    The 3060 Ti however has 256 bit bus width (448 GB/s), the 12GB 3060 has 192 bits (360 GB/s), and the new 8GB scam 3060 only 128 bits (240 GB/s).

    This is why the 3060 Ti is faster than the 12GB 3060, and why the 8GB 3060 is so slow.
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation That being said, I have AMD's 6650 XT which has also 8GB and only 128 bits bus width (280 GB/s). That would seem to match the new 3060 8GB crap card.

    However, the 6650 XT was designed with this bus width in mind, not cut down after the fact, and AMD's "infinity cache" compensates the bus width. That's why it's faster even than the 12GB 3060 in rasterisation (let alone the 8GB 3060), though not as fast as the 3060 Ti.
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