Can human language take over programming language and is it utopian to think and write what I want to get my job done in English and get it parsed compiled and run on any computing environment or am I still day dreaming.

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    Don't ask for much do you :)
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    @dan-pud OK how stupid of me I must be day dreaming
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    I'm sure it will happen some day, hopefully after I retire
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    Honestly if they can figure out how to intercept thoughts with a chip then they can:

    Build a visual represitation of the design and functionality and based of off that autogenerate the code. *woohoo automation*

    Also I am guessing it will be in the form of a JS framework.

    Or all the js frameworks will combine into this.

    We are close to this technically. Though the legal struggles will span decades.

    /sorry for my english
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