Boss: we have a project, we will need an application on Mac with objective-c.

Me: But I am a Java developer, I never touched a Mac or objective-c !

Boss: it's ok, use Google, you will find some useful stuff there..

Me: But..

Boss: we have a week for a demo

  • 24
    Yeah, it's all the same, typing something on the keyboard. Don't be a lazyDev
  • 4
  • 11
    @lazyDev Sarcasm
  • 4
    Atleast you have a week
  • 5
    If it's as easy as he thinks then he should be able to do it himself then teach you. Why not suggest that?
  • 13
    *one week later*
    Boss: ready for production release?
  • 9
    Found that on google. As per your boss, this should do it for the demo.


    import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

    int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
            NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
            NSLog (@"Hello, World!");
            [pool drain];
            return 0;
  • 1
  • 3
    Why the programming language requirement?

    I hate on Java often enough, but one of its defining features is that you can flexibly assign developers to work on almost any imaginable platform.
  • 3
    But Java works on MacOS?
  • 1
    @yyng-pi yes that is what I suggested, use java on mac os, the target machine should have jre but it's less painful.
  • 1
    @lazyDev I believe it's common on osx to use the Java Appbundler, which wraps your application plus the JRE in a neat signed installer which can be distributed through any channel including the app store.
  • 2
    @yyng-pi are you seriously asking that question? Or are you trying to be funny? Because if you're serious...get out.
  • 2
    Honestly other than the tight deadline, I would be thrilled to try something new. And I hate Obejctive C.
  • 0
    @deusprogrammer yes me too, I love discovering new tech to me, but the time is the problem
  • 5
    hand over this project plan in the form of a Gantt chart to your boss:

    Monday - set up dev environment
    Tuesday - Google "hello world in objective c"
    Wednesday - learn memory management
    Thursday - fail and break your hello world ap
    Friday - fix the hello world just in time for the big demo
  • 0
    Happened to me more than once... But hey, at least I Iearned a new technology each time... Not the best approach to learning I reckon, but it works...
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