I like the German System. You learn theory and Real Life practice in conjuncture. It teaches you the Industrie at large and the theory behind it

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    X to doubt
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    Nah german education is alright
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    @12bitfloat It's pretty cool. You are in school 1-2 Das a week. Otherwise you Work in a company and learn there.
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    @SomeEric Thats just Ausbildung though. Higher education is normal school life.

    And Ausbildung education is how many Döners you can order and going to the local Aldi during break to slam two Oettingers
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    So you're telling me that you don't have a substantial portion of complete dimwits coming out of university who get stuck on the error message "error: could not initialize node-thumbnailer: magick binary not found"?
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    @SomeEric @lorentz No we absolute do, what are talking about. The german IT sector is infamously bad. We can't write software to save our damn lives
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    I am studying computer science and writing right now my Bachelor thesis and I don't think that the german education system is good

    Maybe in Ausbildung it's better, but to be honest next time I would decide to search for a "Duales Studium"

    Work experience helps so much to learn the things and I hate that we still have to write a Bachelor Thesis instead of just programming something and writing Docs to this

    I hate to write the Thesis ^^'
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    @jackpearce Is a project of sufficient complexity not acceptable for a bachelor's thesis in Germany?
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    @lorentz Well at my University there are a few projects which are done to get Grades

    But most exams are on Paper which is on my opinion fucking dumb

    For most Bachelor Thesis you still have to write the Bachelor Thesis, nobody cares how well written your Code for that Thesis is, what matters is just the fucking thesis
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    @jackpearce I mean yeah I have to write a bunch of text as well (60 pages I think) but I can just build software that is interesting enough to talk about and then overanalyze my every decision. For instance, I'm making a functional programming language, a friend of mine is making a cellular automaton based game engine, another friend is making a lightweight peer-to-peer network for IoT devices. They don't have to be good, in fact they don't even have to be usable in order to get a good grade, but they have to be complex enough to write about.
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    Well in my case I hate writing and my Topic is not so interesting that I can write that much ^^'

    If I change my plans and still try to make my master I will Code something more Interesting

    My Topic is to check if QThreads from Qt in Python (PySide2) are faster than Python native Threads or Processes and to check if they are affected by the GIL


    QThreads are affected by the GIL and Processes are faster

    Tasks should be IO Bound for Processes and (Q)Threads reading from sqlite DB
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    Currently making my Fachabitur. It is a great way to get your Abitur. Was 12 years in school and now one year full time Internship (37.5 hours a week). After this one year internship, i will get my Abitur without writing all these exams and without learning hundreds of pages with knowledge you'll never need.
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