I hanged out with a gold digger “friend”. I cringed when she made it obvious though. I guess we are used to non-obvious gold diggers.

  • 0
    How did you realize she was a gold digger?
  • 0
    Is this someone who expects "gifts" for putting out?
  • 0
    @ars1 She stole his gold teeth!
  • 3
    @ars1 she told him I made her pay… for her own meal, when it was her idea that we should meet, and it was not a date at all.
  • 5
    And there was me hoping she'd literally taken out a shovel and dug up some treasure
  • 4
    @aviophile that's funny. Where did this idea that someone should pay for your shit for no reason came from anyway? You cannot invite anyone to hang out if you are not paying for them or what?
    Been going out too, and the amount of "men should pay for everything" stuff and advice I've seen is nuts. Might as well just get a hooker at that point.
  • 3
    dude: Separate checks please.

    girl: I didn't bring my purse!

    dude: I guess you are washing dishes then.
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