Welp. The startup I'm working for is going under. Ceo gave us zero hints.

I'm the lead dev and been working here for 6 months. Always built features before deadline, zero bugs, and going an extra mile. Can't say the same about the sales and marketing guys.

Kinda scared its gonna look bad. Oh you led a failed startup? Must be your fault.

Guess my side business is becoming full time now. Until new job.

#startup #9/10 #icebergahead

  • 3
    Annnnd this is why devs should be involved in bizniz ops, biz dev, marketing and sales. We build systems and all of those are just more systems.
  • 2
    Sell to start: you did not lead a failing startup, you lead a team within a failing startup and it does not matter anyway.

    The way a CV works is: Write down success stories, stories about challenging situations and how you handled them.
    These stories are about a tram mate who was uncontrollable, about the time your boss told you to do something wrong, about that time you though everything was going south but you recovered.

    No one cares where you worked, they care what you did there.
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