devRant, got a code challenge for you.

Manager calls at 18:00...

Write an algorithm that gives the optimum result!

I'll go first with my O(1) solution:

Don't answer.

I'd be interested to see whoever can beat the big O of my solution!!!!!


  • 10
  • 4
    @arcadesdude argggggg i've been defeated!!!! you're too powerful at defeating the managers
  • 1
    Lol there's an even better answer if someone can think it up.
  • 4
    @arcadesdude undefined

    Or throwing early
  • 7
    If it involves throwing the manager outta the window, I approve.
  • 4
    Everything is constant time if your constant is big enough.
  • 5
    To show dominance, schedule an auto answer on next working day at your_work_start_hour at 00 minutes sharp.
  • 0

    Big O respects infinity ordering though, being asymptotical calculus in essence.

    So O(infinity•x) < O(x^infinity) (for x > 1 of course)
  • 3
    @vintprox [void]allmanagers
    Cast all managers into the void...

  • 6
    Turn phone off. Never get call. O(0).
  • 0
    function bestResult() {
    return 42;
  • 0
    return 1
  • 2
    @CoreFusionX and yet, if your constant is infinity, any real world algorithm is O(1)
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX (you may be overthinking this... Or may have slightly missed the joke)
  • 1
    I Quit!
    There is an O(0) solution.
  • 1
    @spongessuck more like "timeout and Infinite retry, even over different channels.".
  • 2
    Turning off your phone involves doing something. Here's my solution:

    Don't do anything at all, ignore the call, ignore everything, don't show up at work the next work day. Don't take any calls from HR, ghost them so hard that they start oozing ectoplasm.

    That's a true O(0) implementation.
  • 1

    No big deal. Just pointing out that maths get funny (and sometimes weird) when we take limits, as is the case in big O notation.

    And in limit theory, even though infinite seems, well, infinite, there's still strict ordering of infinites.

    Inf • 1 < 2^inf is always true when the inf comes from a limit, for example.
  • 0
    @spongessuck turning off phone to never get a call would only be zero operations if your algol was an oracle.
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