
I lost my wallet, this is for the 2nd time in a span of month all my cards with cash. Feels like I'm failing at life. 🥲

  • 8
    Have you considered chaining your wallet to your clothes like an 18th century pocket watch...
  • 3
    That comes included with the metalhead starter pack 😂
  • 0
    That's the universe telling you to get of the grid, move to a forest and bs barter with the local tribes for a living
  • 2
    @sarcasm-fairy Instead of going into the woods to die, he should find someone who is willing to care for him, so he gets reminded of essential things like eating, sleeping, detaching the wallet chain from the pants before washing them, reattaching the wallet chain to the currently worn pants before leaving the house...
  • 2
    I can confirm you can wash your pants with the chain attached. 😂
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX Lol. Do you use the chain with a wallet or a keyring?
  • 1
    @Oktokolo Both. Also just chains just because.
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