Anyone else here hating Python 2 but loving Python 3?

  • 3
    Definitely. Was forced to learn python 2 by my lecturer in Semester 1 but then swapped to 3 in Semester 2.

    Print without brackets made no sense to me.
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    @le-velo Whenever I have work in Python 2:

    import print_function from __future__

    ...and there ya go, print has brackets
  • -1
    That's like asking is there anyone who prefers Linux to Windows... Ummm, yeah. Everyone
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    @redstonetehnik I'd use Linux if I'd find a distro that doesn't kill itself everytime it needs to do an upgrade ffs
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    @filthyranter Is there any advantage to using 2 at this point?
  • 1
    @filthyranter Rolling release distros like Arch (Manjaro, Antergos) or Void solve exactly that problem
  • 0
    What is so different in python 3 that makes you hate python 2 ?
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    @omrisim210 Couldn't get Android Studio to properly work there.
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    @GarreauArthur Python 2 is full of small annoying issues.
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    There are few key points that you need to take care of while switching. Although getting used to print statement can be quite a pain in the ass.
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    @filthyranter Use one with a rolling release, like Debian Stretch or Arch Linux.

    Basically you get packages whenever they're updated, so you never upgrade the whole system.

    And for what it's worth, upgrading Windows hasn't been much of a success for me. I'm on Debian testing for two or three years now and it has yet to break.
  • 0
    @luc- Debian also broke for me, yet Windows has always survived updates.
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    @filthyranter Now *that* is really impressive... 😆😄🤣😂
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    @le-velo you'll love php then
    Also python2 sockets are a bit simpler
  • 4
    I don't care what snek it is

    Snek is snek
    Love the snek
    Respek the snek
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