So, some years ago, my old firm was bought by a much larger company.

A couple years later, my CTO resigned, as he needed a week deserved break. I acted as interim CTO for half a year, with the full support of the CEO.

But then higher management removed my CEO for a politician 🀑. His first move is to ask my ex-CEO who to consider for CTO.

He adamantly vouches for me, but in the end, I'm not "political" enough. (Sure I admit I'm not the most organized person, and do not sweeten arguments to suits, but I had won the full trust of my previous superiors *and* fellow devs, and had people to cover for organizational stuff, and have successfully navigated situations with the world's biggest tech orgs).

So I'm again a dev, and they hire this new CTO at twice my salary. But as you can probably guess, who ends up still doing all the CTO work on top of his dev work? Yeah.

That drove me to quit, not because of the demotion, but for a denied minor raise when I was doing the work of someone with twice my paycheck.

As could be expected, once I quit, the CTO barely lasted 6 months.

Fun part is, I've been freelancing (successfully) from them on, and I've been contacted by this CTO, trying to hire me to do some work in his new company...

I'm torn whether to tell him to bite me, charge him a shitton of money or any other funny ideas.

Mind you, I don't dislike the guy, and he's not particularly annoying to work with, so I guess this doubles as a rant against corporate clowns, and a bit of advice seeking.

  • 9
    Shitton of money ofc.
    Take what he made then, and 150% that.
  • 5
    Dont work with that guy, he already proved that hes fcking incompetent. He should have went on a limb for you but couldnt even organize a fcking minor raise for u when u were doing his job. CTO my ass.
  • 0
    @codeFusionX, my mannπŸ™πŸ‘ , just relax, charge him the norms, greater places awaits you...
  • 2

    That wasn't really his fault either.

    I mean, I don't care people not being resolutive as long as they delegate into me and don't obstruct me. The whole fiasco was due to the new CEO, which, believe me, you'll get tired from how many rants I could write... In time

    I guess I should clarify, I don't mind working for him again, but this time, since I hold more power by virtue of him coming to me, I don't want to undersell myself.
  • 1
    Charge twice his old salary
  • 1
    can't wait to see what happens if the real cto comes back from vacation πŸ˜‚

    jokes aside: happy to hear that freelancing works for you.
    You could take the deal and use it to grow (depending on your current capacity). make sure numbers are in place to subcontract.

    and if possible, check if you can get testimonials out of that client to push your personal brand.
  • 1
    I vote for shitton of money
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