Fuck, life is really suck man 😥

  • 2
    "If it was easy - everyone could do it"

    Don't give up, you can push thought! There are numerous examples where people went through tough times and if they did it - you can do it to. Try to focus on root causes, not the symptoms, as an engineer - you have the power to plan, fix and solve the issues, just don't get your head clouded and try to see it from a distance... Most of the stuff I should worry about does not mean anything year later, let alone 30 years later or mean a lot to people outside my company or customers. The world is much bigger than what your problems wants you to believe, and never let anyone think you do not have the options!
  • 1
    Hear you brother, hope things will turn around for you soon
  • 0
    Yep. It is.
  • 0
    @AndroidJester not sure I understood your question, can you give me the clear steps to reproduce the issue you have described?
  • 0
    Everything could be better if but for wretched garbage
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