When I have to apply a strong coat of
reverse engineering to understand an
open source codebase, what's the
point of being open.

No but really, the


movement is quite strong ..

  • 0
    You can debug it and fork it to fix shit.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Not the point.

    I just want to be able to read the code and understand it because the code is well written.

    I don't want to clean up a whole codebase just so I have a basic understanding of how they do things.
  • 4
    I get your point. Just wanted to say that there is still value in open source even if it’s messy/unreadable/undocumented.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I know I know lol, that's why I put it in the joke / memes section.

    I <3 Open Source and not like closed source is any better in that regard, just been bothering me ..
  • 4
    Perhaps we need a new designation like dense-source code
  • 3
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