There's only three endgame situations I can imagine: Become fuel for AI's projects, become some kind of pet or archived memorabilia thing stored in a vat of amniotic fluid, or merge brain and be human-AI hybrid.

Don't know if the concept of "job" is still meaningful in any of those scenarios.

  • 0
    Merge human brain! I'd vote for that if I could. Higher consciousness!! It'd be like 1000 Kgs of LSD at once. Complete ego dissolution.
  • 0
    @analogbits Might depend on the AI you merge with, if there are multiple... will be like Windows vs OSX vs Linux — splitting society into camps.
  • 0
    Imagine an AI as a being. It has its own OS on its own platform, probably quantum computers? No more windows, Linux or Mac. Just ASI. No more life. Just batteries #matrix.
  • 0
    WOW! this is so complex in many ways, instant subscribe!
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