Happy Mothers Day!! - to all the devRant moms out there 😃 ❤ 💐

  • 4
    Awh this is beautiful! Are you a mother yourself if I may ask?
  • 4
    @4ndyc0d3r sorry to hear that man *hugs*
  • 2
    @4ndyc0d3r My condolences man. hughughug
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    MILPR (mothers I'd like to peer review)
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    @linuxxx as of right now, I only have fur babies (puppies) but I eventually would love to have 3 little ones ☺ how about yourself? Any little ones running around?
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    @4ndyc0d3r my condolences as well.....you seem sweet, so it seems that your momma did a great job 😃 happy mothers day to her, my friend
  • 1
    @twoFour1009 Fair enough haha! Well I'm only 22 in a few days so that'd be early but I'd like two little ones in my life at some point yeah 😃
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    @linuxxx aww!! 1. Happy birthday in a few days!! 2. You seem sweet, I hope you end up with the family you want ☺ 3. My birthday is in.....hmm....it seems to have started almost 2.5 hours ago....lol so happy birthday to us 🎂 *may babies rule* 😃
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    @linuxxx Yes, you are very sweet linuxxx :D
  • 3
    Congrats! On your birthday AND on your beautiful ++count (which I'm about to ruin)

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    @wilhelmina haha thank you! ☺
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    Code is my baby, I feed it nutritious data, shelter it from junior devs, test its merits by the unit.

    Today it gave me the best mother's day gift ever: no known bugs left to fix, 230k page hits in 24h, zero new bugs. I spent the whole day getting drunk.
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