Is the way people solve problems intrinsic to the native language they learned growing up? Can the shape of our thoughts be optimal for solving certain kinds of problems? Like sentence structure, grammar, etc.

If the pattern of thoughts a language promotes can help us solve problems. Then is there a spoken language that can help promote solving computer science problems?

I know I have to work to think differently to program in different styles of programming. I wonder if we can learn from different spoken languages patterns of logic that are applicable to engineering.

Mathematics, while not a spoken language, has helped me re-frame things in programming. I think programming has also helped in other areas. Like using binary search to find the end of a pipe in the ground.

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    Short answer: Yes, to some extent.

    Long answer: Go read about it, it's interesting.

    Also: The maybe-kinda-sorta-famous Himba green/blue study is a total fabrication, though, but does seem to have some echo of truth to it.
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    I believe the film Arrival deals with this through aliens
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    I know I have to work to think differently to program in different styles of programming

    And that is where I disagree. For me personally, I don't think differently based on the programming language.

    I am multilingual and see the language just as a tool. Like a writer uses a pen or type-machine.

    But in the end, any fundamental logic is the same.

    Sure each person is different and may write stuff different. Most of the times there is no right or wrong way.

    When reading a book, the story remains the same no matter in what language it is translated. Same in my opinion goes for programming.
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    @Grumm I have to switch my brain to program in functional style vs other styles. It is like I have to invert the logic.
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