I wish I were lazy and had the guts to tell people what to do. I'd make a decent manager, taking fat paychecks for taking my risks. And risks would be minimal as I'm from the tech background and I know what is what.

Now I'm neither lazy enough [I still prefer doing things myself] nor do I have the mentality to treat others as minions.

I wish I could change that about me. I really do. Maybe someday...

  • 3
    Then don't.

    Just because most handle it this way, doesn't mean you have to.

    It's just that being friendly, nice and respectful is the hard way of management. Expect others to mistake your way as a weakness.

    Worst thing about management is backstabbing and politics / diplomacy.

    I like the way of giving everyone a fair chance, as everyone deserves to have one. Chopping block is always an option, though - my kindness expects at least respect in return, I have a zero tolerance politic regarding backstabbing and drama.
  • 0
    Being a manager sucks, you don't wanna do that.
  • 1
    never treat people as your minions
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