hate it when Linux users talk like they own the cyber world.. linux is bla bla windows is shit shit..
I am not a linux fan, nor a Windows fan. just I use what is the best for the requirements

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    yeah we have been listening to this from decades.
    PS: I like Linux
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    @lazyDev I would like to make a debate on this topic ! 😂
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    @4ndyc0d3r in your head you do :p
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    @4ndyc0d3r I know Linux, OSX, and Windows. Windows wins 100% :p
  • 6
    No offense: could you name an example where the requirements fits better into using Windows? I'm really interested!
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    @RazorSh4rk is there an case where you really profit from using c#?
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    @fschndr devs that do it for a living? ;)
  • 12
    I am best
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    @Linux hello, best, i am razor
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    I really know a dude that is named "Best"
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    Just in time for #WannaCry2.0
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    Windows is shit shit
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    B-b-but linux is best and windows is shit. I look at me spreading that message as me doing a public service. My good deed for the day.
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    I use Linux mostly at home lol
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    Your requirements are messed up, if you opt for Windows,,,
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    @metaory or they just want a usable OS :P
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    Well being familiar and comfortable with shitdows is one thing, blaming your lack of skills and poor choices on requirements is another thing.

    As long as you enjoy your os, it's your choice,
    Enjoy your life!!
  • 0
    Fanatics here..
  • 2
    Claiming that Windows is better for any use-case is like claiming a suit from the rack is better than a custom made from the tailor!

    If you really claim such bullshit, you have never even tried to find YOUR window manager or YOUR shell!

    Using a minimalistic system with tiling WM and the shell application of my choice has improved my performance greatly. And I am pretty sure it generally helps to customize the system to ones needs. With Windows, that's not really possible imho. I regularly use it for gaming and get frustrated with it quite often.
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