
I just "had to" send a tutorial on semantic versioning to my boss the other day. he was like, wait, i thought we were further along than 1.1.1, didn't we release 1.0.11 before?


  • 2
    Leaders hire those who should know how to do the job better than they can so they can learn from them and lead the team more efficiently and effectively. He not an idiot, sounds pretty smart if he hired you, but you oughta realize you teaching him the low-level semantics of your job. This is the same fundamental concept why large enterprise corporations and public sector / government entities partner with smaller startup organizations. There’s a lot more process in management than you might realize. But if you think you’re equipped to take on a management role like Lead / Engineering Manager, VP Engineering, or CTO, than by all means pursue it.
  • 2
    To be fair, most Developers don't know anything about Denver. Your boss "in this case" is not an idiot. Just a little ill-informed
  • 1
    Meanwhile some of my coworkers: 1.0.999
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