so guys, I am going to ask you about something I am totally new on it.

what do you think about crypto currency mining? cam I do it using just my PC, if I can what is the estimate benefits?
do you advice me to proceed with this thing.

  • 0
    ok, how much the price of those machines. and does it worth to invest on that?
  • 2
    At this point all the easy stuff has been mined. You will earn so little mining crypto currency that the electricity of powering a machine will cost you more.
  • 1
    @GigabyteDX so it's too late now?
  • 4
    Very late
  • 0
    There are a few rigs you can use that actually turn a profit, but the rate of return means it'll be a while before the hardware pays for itself. There's also the fact that hashes take longer to generate as more are created, thus further showing down income. At this point, you're very unlikely to actually turn a profit by getting into the action now.
  • 0
    It's worthwhile to plug and chug for cryptocurrency, as an academic exercise. You won't get rich, but you'll learn stuff :-D
  • 0
    You need to buy an asic miner, with a dedicated hash processors. those machines cost quite a lot of money, and the electricity to run one.. it is not worth it, unless the electricity is free.
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    Alternatively, you could attempt to make a quantum computer and use it to mine ...
  • 0
    if you mined some btc in 2007 and would sell it today you would be rich.
    So go mine some new altcoins like monero and wait few years.
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  • 0
    so can I mine another currency like xrp? will it more profitable?
  • 1
    Come back a few years ago is my best advice to crypto mining
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