My life hurts when I have to develop on someone else's computer and they use the "light-theme". #teamdarkside

  • 14
    Come join the dark side...We have increased contrast and legibility.
  • 5
    Hell yes. Our CTO actually uses a white background with black text in terminal as well and my eyes bleed when its on the big screen.
  • 2
    Team dark it is. I use the downloadable Obsidian theme on all my JetBrains IDE's.
  • 3
    Team darkside #1 no-one else in my office can read my screen, filthy light siders
  • 8
    dark theme and monokai for life!
  • 3
    Dark theme for the win!! Suprisingly only me and 1 other dev in my office use dark theme
  • 4
    But the light theme is great!
  • 6
    @krm ^^ *said no one ever lol.* I've never heard anyone say that
  • 6
    Haha I am the person this dev is talking about :)
  • 6
    Lol I have to say the people who do use the white theme really like it :). I just can't fathom why ;) haha
  • 5
    I realized a few months ago that it requires more effort for my eyes looking at the default dark sublime theme. So i switched to kind of a sepia background in combination with a blue light filter (f.lux) for night hours. Works damn well! Far less stressful for my eyes.
  • 2
    @ranter - is that the solarized theme? I use the solarized color theme for my powershell terminal and other shells. Download ConEmo. Best terminal shell out there
  • 1
    I like black on white. I see no need to stray from what apple tells me is good UX. Lol
  • 3
    I have a few different colour schemes
    Set up for different code bases (html, PHP, is etc.)

    All of which have a very dark midnight blue background.

  • 2
    Bro. We are in the same team. ✋🏻
  • 3
    I'm always looking for a dark theme on any application I use lol.. It's the only true way. 😉
  • 1
    dark theme Thunderbird and Mozilla. gotta love it.
  • 2
    if only they knew the power of the dark side...
  • 1
    maybe they are the smart ones.. might force us to get some sleep.. hahah
  • 0
    I actually mix it a little bit. I like my code-editor tab being dark but all around it light, i.e. solution explorer, output, ribbon bar etc. Am i being weird 😬
  • 1
    I use darcula in phpstorm love the theme.
  • 1
    Dark side Best side
  • 1
  • 1
    whats a good dark theme for xfce? the ones out of the box are not dark enough.
    i use xubuntu
  • 1
    I am a Darcula fanatic. I love it.

    My coworker say it is a "student thing". But I get eye cancer from their light theme.
  • 1
    Dark theme + Zenburn color scheme
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