
That new tor browser aesthetic is 🔥

  • 8
    Pics or it didn't happen.
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    @Oktokolo What happens on tor stays on tor
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    @d4ng3r0u5 This isn't about what happens on Tor. this is about the user interface of an application (or is it just an extension?) optimized for using Tor.
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    It's just a Firefox. Nothing new
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    I mean it’s just Firefox isn’t it ? I’ve had a similar design in Firefox for ages
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    @https There has to be a line where minimalist design stops qualifying as a _graphical_ user interface...
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    @Oktokolo why isn't it graphical? Should a browser be complex?
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    @iiii Maybe i am just old, but i like clickable and dragable things to somehow optically signal their click- or dragability. Lines, grooves and ridges make reading a GUI easy.

    And browsers (including Firefox) are now more complex than ever. Hiding everything behind flat drywall doesn't reduce complexity - it just hides it.
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