
You guys believe in crypto currency in a near future to play a major role in our lives? Which one(s) you have?

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    Nah, i just don't see the general public going foe crypto currencies or governments honestly.
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    I think some north eurpean countries like Estonia, Sweden, Denmark will be open to the idea. In sweden brick and motar banks in small cities don't even store physical cash anymore.
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    This week Bitcoin reached historical price of 1800$, and some major players like Intel joining the technology. That's why I ask, I have friends that trade and others that don't trust/believe in this
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    @runfrodorun yes that's why there are other companies who provide a certain amount if hashing power for a certain value for a month, just like a monthly subscription, but still my guess is if buy a $30 pack, you will end up with $45 to $50 depending on the exchange rate.
    @billgates was also interested
  • 3
    Yes and none
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    Cryptocurrency is neat, but blockchain-based tech will have a wider, more subtle influence on our future.
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    @mhudson correct me if I'm wrong here but most block chain based <i>dapps<i/> would need to use a decentralised currency to be 'complete'.
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    @mhudson ... Unless of course you create a decentralised token that just mirrors the dollar or something. But then again, how would you do that in a decentralised way?

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    @burmesepornstar always descentralized. P2P. Block chain is a really complex tech, I am starting now to understand the concept and the application on real world problems are huge
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    @ruidiasbraga okay maybe I was being too humble there.. What's your point? P2P? Duh.. I was merely asking @mhudson how he thought block chain would have a 'wider, subtle' influence... Crypto currencies are essential to make transactions in most decentralised apps.

    It felt a bit like saying the invention of arithmetic will have a wider impact on the economy than the concept of money. Yes you need math for money to work, but without money there is no economy! (not totally true of course, but you get the point... right?).

    So yea, unless I'm missing something.. which is quite possible.. @mhudson you can just tell me it's like how digital money is neat, but the Internet tech has a wider impact on our world. (But the Internet wouldn't be what it is without digital money would it... Aaahhh now you see my point about how that actually has a more subtle influence :P)
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    @mhudson then again, you're probably going to say what you meant was thanks to crypto currencies blockchain based tech will see a lot applications.

    In which case, I'd agree and also admit that I should probably "go home, I'm drunk".

    But I'm hoping that's not what you say. And I can say TIL. Like if you give me a use case mixing govt currency and blockchain tech. That would make me want to jump into it asap to be honest...
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    It seems to have a place in buying illegal stuff...
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