Can't Microsoft make a single app that runs on windows without any issue?

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    No, next question.
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    The Ctrl+Alt+Del menu
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    @dowhile it wasnt able to display some files properly, when they used different new line schemes.

    It now is, but it took them way too long to fix that.
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    I guess you have had a bad experience but most of them work just fine.

    Sure some of them do not handle different newline chars but thats because the for most parts did not need to.

    Most customers would not need it and supporting it would require more complexity adding more risk for bugs.

    Now a-days they do need to support it since so much content is created on other platforms.

    Basic economy for them.
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    @Voxera mac os and linux both supported \n and \r\n though. And windows only supports it since some windows 10 update.
    Same story with ansi escape sequences in terminals. mac os and linux both supported that for a long time, windows joined with 10.
    and 11? don't get me even started on that one; themes are one of the topics, that are seriously broken there, even though they are supposed to be that great feature about this abomination of an OS.
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    @thebiochemic As I said, MS was do much bigger in the market that they long did not have to support it.

    Yes it was a shitty behavior but it was never a matter of faulty programs or incompetence but market dominance.
    And they no longer have the dominance that they can safely ignore other formats.
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    @Voxera make no mistake, they didn't ignore it because the unix market was low. At that time it was pretty much a tie and plenty of web services were using the older newline scheme so windows had to Support it where it made sense anyway... No no no, they ignored it as a hostile way to stop cross-portability of users between the system. They went into it to dominate the market by being dicks to everyone else. Just look at their office support up until win 10, same story. Propriatery shit everywhere, including fucking text documents, that's how they operated for the longest time
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    @catgirldev 😂
    “Explorer.exe has stopped working”
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    @Hazarth exactly, it was never a matter of”broken” or “faulty” code, it was a deliberate choice.

    One I do not like.

    But they have realized that linux is not going away.
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    @dontbeevil yes, just like that actually.
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