windows is less like an operating system & more like a trash.

  • 4
    Yet we are often forced to use it as our brush on our canvas
  • 4
    Windows is fine
  • 8
    Windows sucks so much that outer space vacuum feels humiliated.
  • 1
    Boon for people who want to get into computing without digging a hole in the pocket.
  • 1
    Good one.
  • 7
    I was hesitating few years ago about fully switching to Linux environment, but boy... Did you guys tried it NOW on bare metal ? It's soooo soo incredibly good and smooth man, both KDE/GNOME environments, feels so much nicer, neat and cleaner. Some sort of "elegant" and "logically" finished both OS/GUI. I feel little more inspiration while using Linux, it also feels kinda "mine" operating system, if you know what i mean...
  • 1
    @roflbofl322 whats bofl? Balled on the floor laughing?

    Also windows is fine.
  • 8
    Don't take it that serious.
  • 2
    The Linux Subsystem together with WSL2 Windows provides is fine for developing purposes. So no rant for Windows from my side!
  • 2
    As much as I love Linux. Working within a company I'd choose Windows anytime. I don't _like_ mac, but it works. But all my colleagues working with Linux constantly have to fight meeting software, document software and all the other crap you need because it doesn't run nicely on Linux. I don't want to have these fights all the time. At home, where I can setup everything the way I want: Linux any time!
  • 2
    When it doesn't come from the place of conformism, I can understand few usages for it... Other than for that it's trash.
  • 1
    Here, let me help you :


    Learn the system. Or just don't use. Noone forces you
  • 3
    WSL can at least turn it into useful trash
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