Fuck, they updated the internal move policy in my company from 1 year 9 months to move to another team to be at least in the same team for 2 years.

I hope I can find a way to gtfo faster because I am honestly so tired of this shit, the tasks are getting too repetitive, my boss is useless, spends her time shopping instead of working and being stuck with a bunch of juniors means you only have the internet to learn something new.

I really want to start delving more into PAAS and start working with docker and kubernetes. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait and see.

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    Can't you switch jobs?
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    If they changed the move policy like that it's likely that you're going to see several vacancies in the next 6-8 months.

    When employees can't move out of a toxic situation within the org they tend to look to solutions outside of the org.

    If I was you, I'd start looking for a new job. If they don't budge on the policy I give it a year before the place is underwater or a compete sweatshop.
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    @ScriptCoded typical redditor response. Dude waited 1 year 9 months for switch he can def wait for 3 months more. Instead u sugest to job hop. Damn
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy excuse me? It's as simple as if you don't like what you're doing you shouldn't be doing it. And they're saying nothing about how much time has passed. He might as well just have been on the project for a couple of months, and in that case I personally wouldn't want to spend over a year more in agony.

    Also note that I'm asking if he can switch jobs, not assuming things and telling people what to do, unlike what you're doing here. So please take it easy pal.
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy so HR has lied to them before about covered cost certificate training.

    What's to stop them from saying they require 2 years 6 months for transfers after 3 more months?

    Company clearly has a terrible record when it comes to following their own rules and being honest about things.

    I think your response is clearly a typical Facebook meme response.
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    Jesus christ we have expert mind readers here who are assuming shit from 1 instance where shit went wrong. Jesus christ take that sheep mentality down a notch and stop assuming without knowing full situation.

    I was in a bad place as well where I waited for 3 months to get promised raise of 43%. There was like dozen of typical redditors screaming that I should job hop, that this big of a raise is not possible and blah blah blah. In the end I made some moves stuck it out and got a 100% raise. So fuck you ignorant cunts. Go jobhopping each time shit hits the fan, instead of doing something about it.
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    Actually, a quick glance at posts of @ScriptCoded reveals that youve been working for 4 years in the same place. So you know shit about job hopping then mate. And dont tell me those 4 years were sunshines and rainbows with nearly 18k posts in DR.

    @sariel another post about how your "management are idiots". About how you hate working with windows stack. Then according to your logic you should job hop as well mate!

    Fucking ignorant hypocrate cunts giving advice they are not competent to give and not even taking it themselves in the first place.
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    @sariel @ScriptCoded I can't switch jobs right now actually because well in my third world country companies look for "loyalty" and if I stay less than 2 years in the same company it would be a red flag so basically I either need to find a way to rush things out a little bit or stay in my post like a good boy 😅
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    @thirdworld in my case what helped was getting an offer and giving my notice. I got a 100percent raise and stayed
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy haha you mofo. You threatened them with leaving and act like management gifted you because you were hardworking. It seems chronical lying is another problem in top of adhd.
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    @aviophile hey hey, it's hard work grifting everyone.

    As they say, a sucker is born every minute.
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    @aviophile another ignorant idiot who is speaking out of his ass and assumes shit without knowing full details.

    Oh and nice personal insult - picking up that low hanging fruit is easy for a gaming addict like you, innit mate? You pathetic tinder scrolling neckbeard. Funny guy whos more of a clown who is one bad day away from ending it all. Anyways fuck off.

    What threatening are you talking about? I worked my ass off and did everything I could to speed up the process. We agreed to a 43% raise initially. However nothing I helped to speed up the process. Then I spent a month interviewing, got an offer and put my notice on the table. Only then I got a proper performance review and then they realized that Im too valuable to let gon and got a 100% raise. So in the end everything paid off.

    My point was don't job hop after first obstacle. Just do everything in your power and thats it.
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy haha i switched to Bumble recently. Tinder is for noobs.
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    @aviophile switch to grindr you faggot
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    @bigmonsterlover i have never seen an adhd person who advertises his condition and acts decently. Adhd is not a blank checque for being a moron without cost.
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