The biggest coding distraction would be fixing crashed Arch Linux, mostly after an update

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    Yes it is. But when it breaks, it kinda breaks the flow of my work.
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    Just read the Arch Linux page and follow the instructions before every update. Usually when there are breaking changes they tell you how to make the update as smooth as possible.
  • 0
    Honest arch-muggle question. What's the learning curve for arch? I'm coming from a Debian background, pretty knowledgeable if i say so myself with Debian. Is it a lot of effort to migrate? What are the advantages compared to Debian?
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    Here are some differences/advantages explained here [0] :)

    The main learning curve I can think of would mainly be installing Arch, though there are some scripts/iso you can run/install that'll make it easier for you. One installer is called the feliz installer [1]. Other than that, the package manager and the AUR (Arch User Repository) can be learned and understood quickly.

    As far as migrating, I don't think it would be much of a problem, well for me it wasn't. I would say try it in a virtual machine and try migrating over.

    [0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.ph...
    [1] https://sourceforge.net/projects/...
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    @nik123 I've read in one of their forums that using --force is not a good practice.
    It might break other packages.

    But hey, if it's working for, then you've got a fix :)
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    @nik123 exactly! So that's what this rant is about
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