
To the people talking about boats on the other side of the cubical wall, FUCK YOU! YOU HAVE BEEN TALKING FOR 45 MINUTES! DO YOU WORK? I HOPE YOUR BOATS ALL GET RUST. I worked 12 hours on Sunday, got 4 hours of sleep, pulling a full day, then depending on how much work I get done work all night again. RESPECT MY QUIET ZONE!!! Uncouth peasants!

  • 4
    What's a good boat to buy? For someone new to the whole boating scene.. would love to hear any pros opinions.
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    My uncle had a boat. Used to take it out on the weekends and row across the lake and back. Sometimes we'd make a day out of it. Just me and him on that boat. Fishing.
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    I remember thinking as a child, that I'd love to get a boat of my own someday. Go boating on it. In the quiet peaceful springtime mornings. Just me and my boat
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    I've always been fascinated by boats. How their shape makes them float. Found it remarkable as my uncle used to explain the concept of the shape of boats, while we sat on his boat.
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    We used to make paper boats and see how far they could go without sinking. Used to be like our own little paper boat competition. He usually won. His boats used to go a good few metres before sinking.
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    Which, if you've ever built paper boats would know that boats of paper sink really fast. It's tough to make a boat that could travel the distance the boats my uncle made travelled. I learned that boats were not only fascinating but boat making was a real skill.
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    My uncle, the keen boatman that he was, noticed my obvious fascination in boats and decided that the best way to further cultivate this interest in boats was to take me to boatyard, where the real boats were made. He knew some of the boatyard employees there as they used to go on boating trips together on their respective boats on the weekend.
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    "Look at all those boats there burmese.." he said to me as my eyes took in all the boats his words referred to. There were all kinds of boats. Big boats, little boats, metal boats, wooden boats, fishing boats, rowing boats, motor boats. I loved to motorboat with my uncle's old boating friend on Saturdays. She was such a sweet woman. Always asked me when I'd be free to motorboat again.
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    Thank you for the story. I feel like I got in touch with your childhood. A simpler time, of boating and boats. And an uncle. Relaxing Summers. Childhood dreams supported. @burmesepornstar
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    @owithg always a pleasure talking about boats ;). I could row on forever. So.. anytime you feel like listening to more boat talk.. you know who's hull to knock on.
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    I don't get boats. Cars go fast, bikes travel for free.

    On boats you can sink and drown, and they're slow. You can't easily get away if anything goes wrong.

    Boats are about the worst things in terms of retaining value, requiring lots of maintenance. They're more expensive than a motorhome, and have a worse mileage.

    It seems so silly to me that people want to spend their free time trapped on water.
  • 2
    How nice of them to take you motorboating 😂
  • 1
    @bittersweet on boats is where ppl get laid ;)
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