
its hot AF outside.

we are having tea.

because its chilly AF in office bcuz, A/C.

  • 3
    and we wonder why

    rivers run dry
  • 5
    @black-kite Because they drink A LOT of tea?
  • 2
    our world in a nutshell
  • 0
    You guys get AC in the office?
  • 0
    Enjoy it i guess
  • 2
    "How to waste energy" in a nutshell
  • 1
    In some countries you'd be dead without an AC.

    Not joking.

    That said, I find the current discussions regarding europes heatwave / drought just... A pretty obvious display of how spoiled and rotten to the core humanity is.

    "No we cannot let showers run with cold water in a sports club, the water must be warm."

    Just as one example...

    Regarding ACs - one of the most crazy discussions you can have with admins.

    The "servers must be cool at all times, they die otherwise a brutal horrendous death" is still imprinted in many brains.
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