Tldr; make sure what you study is relevant to the field and you enjoy it otherwise don't waste your time.

BTW: devrant is awesome it gets me through the day.

So I am almost 3/4ths through a master's in cs and I am contemplating why I went to school in the first place/dropping out.

My program is basically an extension of the bs I got from the same school meaning we learn very general cs topics. There is only one ai class for example.

I had a junior developer position before I even got my bs so now that I am this far along and looking at job openings I'm wondering what why and how my school is able to get away with teaching us this shit.

After all my schooling I learnt more on my own and through Google. I have little to show for my school work other than a degree that says I did a bunch of busy work. And the specific things that I did learn I will never ever remember. Seriously. Who here knows what a MIB and OID are and have actually used them?

I wish I tried harder to get into a school like Berkeley but just looking at their applications is depressing. I always had issues with school and they expect my to have the grades, extra curriculars and other shit. I'll build you a robot or make you a website but I'm not doing that nonsense.

And then there's Google and apple and all these big tech companies expecting me to have written full Enterprise software and know every single algorithm and programming language because everyone uses something different. Sure I wish I had experience in all 50 languages that are popular right now but I don't. And I'm not gonna learn it from school that's for damn sure.

Who here actually went to a good school and can say it helped them in the real world? How many employers actually care about school over actual experience?

Who knows how to burn a school down and get away with it? Or at least make teachers with Phds stop reading off slides all lecture. I know how to fucking read for fucks sake. Not too mention they use shitty software made in 2003 that's no longer supported. And I could go on about the teacher last quarter who graded the midterm on final day while he flirted with the 3 girls in class. And I could go on and on and on but I feel like I need to start being productive so I don't waste away.

Just so done.

  • 7
    Google and apple do not want you to know everything. They want you to have some expertise and know how to learn fast.

    If I were you I would get the paper and continue with life. Learn the stuff I like and apply for jobs on it.
  • 3
    Do the boring, "required" stuff (aka the degree) so employers see you have the discipline for a MS at school. Outside of school, do all the fun things that will make you stand out (build robots & put the designs on things like Instructables, make code for that robot and put it on git platforms). From my experience, once you get through the door with the degree, they care most about what tangible things you have done (have a portfolio with examples of what you've applied your knowledge towards).
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    Its a bit of a catch twenty two. How can you know what a field is like before youve studied to get the degree which gets you into it. (I feel like this is where we need apprenticeships again).

    I feel like having a masters nearly complete is already a huge achievement, well done on that. Im not very familiar with the academic system but have you thought of publishing your work? Might help with giving some validation.

    As someone from South Africa i feel like i can relate to you quite well on education not meeting the requirements of the working world. In short I dont think having to figure things out yourself or using Google puts you at a disadvantage. Its likely more of an advantage because it teaches you how to get shit done yourself and not rely on others.
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    Don't give up
    In some places you can go off without an degree but in others you will just be nothing.

    Telling you a story about a friend, maybe it will help you little bit.

    Friend A has been developing software since kids age but wasted some years. Started to study electronics instead of cs. But started to work as working student.

    He started to work as a working student In a international company.
    He left electronics because he wanted to study cs but couldn't go to a good university because of retirements. So he gone to a bad one.
    At work the told him "get your stupid paper so we can employ you" and university he corrected the profs because they didn't knew anything besides their particular topic.
    He survived. Didn't learn much. But know he's happy working.

    Another small thing I heard from an it consultant:university teach you 2 things: the ability to learn something on a very short time

    And frustration. Everything else is a group for learning on the job.

    Don't give up
  • 3
    I understand you! Do not give up, I'm sure you will succeed! When I don’t have enough motivation, but need to do something while studying, then I use https://studyhippo.com/just-walk-on... this educational platform, I also I can read the biography of successful people or watch motivational videos on YouTube. Good luck!
  • 1
    Interesting story!
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