
Yes this is kind of a rant and will probably open a can of worms (Although I would hope people are civil with this)

Why the hell is the gaming community so volatile when it comes to discussing someone personal gaming platform whether it be a gaming PC, Xbox, play station or switch, I myself own a gaming pc yet I will choose to play a game on my xbox one any day of the week, I use my pc for mainly media consumption when programming and just generally for internet use.

Just curious if there are any developers on here who share my view that a platform is just a platform?

  • 6
    It just is. Gaming communities from major platform fanbases to simple small clans or communities can become stupidly toxic over things like your imaginary gamer card and how you are unworthy of it if you enjoyed playing a silly mobile game instead of the current AAA sensation on PC/Console.

    Just enjoy whatever you want. You're having fun. They are too busy going rabid over console vs pc wars.
  • 0
    Yeah man all that matters is that cheesy hardware and the higher FPS, the more the merrier
  • 2
    People who haven't succeeded in anything in life try to find superiority and validation from something. In this case they try to find it on the platform that they perfer to play on.
  • 0
    What i find funny is people that do video editing. The argument there is purely any laptop vs macbooks and it is hilarious because they believe they are the pinnacle of professional work.
  • 2
    same for the iphone-android wars, the linux vs windows wars, JS vs Java, vegetarians vs common sense, anti vaxxers vs darwin, etc.
    People need to rationalize why they are better, and it comes down to thier choices.
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