
After Hours of Coding.. I'm finally get in bed, but my mind can't overcome from fucking code and i can't sleep.
I don't know how to take proper and quick sleep after programming without taking any pills. Another side effect is after started programming 18 hr /day I'm losing my memory power, and can't remember some things properly.

And yes this image is Worth something to me... It describes my current situation.

Just one word


  • 23
    Tough stuff. It's like your trying to dig a tunnel through a mountain with a screwdriver, right? All that happens is frustration, anger, and depression, and yeah...that is painful. I can say this because I have been there.

    I highly recommend you start walking 1 hour a day, anywhere, and don't track it, time it, or consider the time data...just go out and enjoy it, especially in the sunshine (because you probably desperately need Vitamin D). Walking will help you reduce screen time, produce endorphins, reduce adrenaline and cortisol, which will lead to you sleeping better.

    Without sleep, you are damaging your body, simple as that. If you keep doing what you are doing you will go mad eventually.

    May the Force be with you
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    @unjx Thanks Friend. It was so helpful...
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    You missed StarWars Day by two.
  • 7
    @Cyanite every day is star wars day
  • 5
    Why coding 18 hours a day?
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    @Darkler I'm working on something big and messy... Can't describe in general
  • 4
    @jaydevs ah, just have to I assume. Well as a person who has recurring issues with insomnia, definitely try things like that walk and anything else you can think of. Sleep is very important and will help your memory too :)
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    @Darkler well.. Thanks for nice suggestions, probably I'll start walking from now... I'm going outside for a walk and will eat some veggies.😊
  • 4
    Make sure to take enough rest.

    You most likely work at least three times as effective when well rested that dead tired so you actually save time.

    Taking a walk as suggested is also a good way to get some distance.

    I often do that when I get stuck because it is easier to focus on the problem without a keyboard.
  • 2
    Try to dedicate a little of your time (30 minutes or 1 hour) to jogging/running(in a park, possibly), I found that during physical exercise your mind mostly focus to stress out the body on your will, because of this you are likely alleviating/overcoming the over thinking that you are dealing with. Plus it's healthy.
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    I used to practise using a memory palace and got quite adept at it.

    After working around 18 hours/day as well, my memory palace sort of detoriated into a non-descript space, filled with various angrily named variables and functions I had created throughout my sessions.
  • 3
    You burned out, happened to me too.

    You must remember to take breaks and do non-programming things in your free time to recover
  • 1
    So yeah definitely need more sleep, you'll be higher functioning for it. The walks are a good idea. I suggest trying buddify2 if you have an Android phone. Insomniacs got me started using it. It has guided meditations to help people go to sleep. 5-12minutes long, I generally don't hear the end of them.
  • 3
    Yeah, just move you ass a little 😁.

    But seriously, you shouldn't push yourself that hard, even if it means that you're coding a cure for human stupidity, you must ensure that your health is ok so you can keep going on without going deranged.

    Take a stroll, skate, do physical exercise, but please, keep your mind clear and your body healthy, it's for your own good.
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    You NEED to rest. If you can't, go get health check. Vitamin B and D levels. Reduce the amount of caffeine you get, use some light sleeping pills (i mean, like melatonin, not valium or any stuff like that). Stop using energy drinks and alcohol. Strictly.
    To replace coffee you can use nootropil. It doesn't affect sleeping patterns and heart functions. Those might be prescription only but easy to get.

    If this still won't work, got to a shrink, you are depressed or bipolar. And will be burned out soon.

    Dude, you're in SERIOUS trouble.

    Been there, done that. Overworking, few weeks without sleeping, just couldn't fell to sleep, went to shrink after suicide attempt. Now on meds and stable for about 4 years. Still having sleeping problems from time to time, but can control this. I still have code-rage moments like you, but quite rare and can control them. With meds. Don't allow yourself to be where I am now.
  • 4
    Thank you so much guys for such a helpful suggestions
    I'll start exercising from now.😊

    @mt3o @apex @Silvus @ElectricCoffee @slamakans @thepra @Voxera
  • 0
    Off-topic, but does someone know the font?
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    Do cardio every day for like 20-45mins. Helps a lot
  • 0
    @dermansi try online image font finding service like. WhatsTheFont!
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