
I hate it when I go to bed early to sleep early but can't sleep a blink for some unknown reason & I just move left & right hoping to fall asleep any minute but end up not being able to sleep at all the whole night :(
whyyyyyy? why cant humans sleep within seconds like a computer???? :(

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    One of the most important things I learnt on university lectures was that I fall asleep incredibly easily to calm speech, especially lower male voices. I fall asleep almost every night to such speech now. And even if it takes longer to fall asleep for some reason, at least I get to listen to that content while waiting for sleep.

    The last thing you want to do if you can't sleep is to stress over not sleeping.
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    Practice sleep hygiene:

    - Don't spend time in your bed during the day, only sleep and sex

    - Don't drink caffeine less than 8 hours before sleep

    - Don't drink alcohol to fall asleep

    - Keep the room where you sleep cool, your body needs to drop 2-3deg in temperature to fall asleep

    - Avoid taking sleeping meds for longer periods of time

    - Go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on weekends

    - Try to blue light before sleep, use apps for late night filters and avoid LED lights in your house before sleep

    - If you can't fall asleep for a long time, don't just stay in your bed, get up and do something relaxing until you are tired again

    - Don't sleep during the day later than 3pm

    - Avoid exercise before sleep

    - Do exercise during the day

    You can also try cognitive behavioral sleep therapy if you ever get desperate or visit a sleep lab to find out if you don't have sleep apnea or something
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    @Hazarth matt walker’s book is heavily criticized because of data forgery, omission and misrepresenting the studies.
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    @aviophile It's not just Matt Walker who says this, plenty of sources on this. I mean most of those tips really make sense and I can attest to some of those myself. If you have *real* trouble sleeping you'd do anything to get a good nights sleep, so It's all worth a try in general
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