
Either Windows pulled some shit, my laptop's dying or my SSD's dying.

Either way, I just lost a lot of work I didn't wanna do in the first place but gotta redo now.

  • 0
    Sorry! That sucks ... that happened to me once, and I've used a personal git repo for everything now.
  • 3
    My advice
  • 1
    @juneeighteen I use git too but I was designing a UI right now and... Well, let's just say Photoshop didn't auto-restore my stuff.
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    @elgringo Trust me, if I had a penny every time I've felt that way, I'd be rich.
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    @theOverseer we should write a photoshop plugin that makes it more git friendly. Like - checks in the undo stack into a branch until you save and merge into master.
  • 0
    @juneeighteen that sounds beautiful holy shit I'd pay for that
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