I am such a polyglot.

I'm fluent in both javascript and JSON.

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    describe json and you will realize its thr same js that powers 3 billion browsers
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    @Krokoklemme what triggers me is the hip and trendy borrowing of the word in the computer sciences, as if it's somehow noteworthy and exceptional to use more than one programming language.

    It stinks of resumé gold-plating fluff. The kind of garbage you'd see in the Twitter profile text of a social media "professional" right after "dog-petting enthusiast".
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    @wafflesauce it's rather noteworthy (in a negative way though) if you'd be able to use only one language
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    That's like saying I'm fluent in English and American
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    @wafflesauce tho I did use the term sarcastically, since JSON can be considered a stupefied JS.

    Like @DirtyBit said. It's as if I'm saying I'm fluent in American and British
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