Absolute asshat level clownly clownshipness:

Manager: Why is this like this? 🤡

fullStackClown: ...Because you defined the feature like this.

Manager: Hmmmmm ok... what about this? Why is this like this? 🤡

fullStackClown: ...Because you defined the feature like this.

Manager: Hmmmmm ok... and then this thing here? Why is this like this? 🤡

fullStackClown: Well, I hate to tell you, but it's a huge surprise. Guess what?! BECAUSE YOU DEFINED THE FEATURE LIKE THIS!!!

Manager: ... 🤡

fullStackClown: Any other absolute asinine questions to ask me to continue breaking me from flow?

Manager: ... 🤡

fullStackClown: ...

To those interested, I believe there is an evolution of my devRant career in order... I'm passing the clown phase... and entering the full-on circus phase...

  • 5
    Reminds me of that scene in spaceballs....

  • 8
    I had the same problem with a manager.

    I setup weekly calls to review requirements with them just to point out what they are requesting and what they actually meant.

    Eventually they stopped asking and I stopped sending invites. It took two months, but was well worth it.

    Sometimes they just don't understand the position they are in and need to be reminded of their place.

    Nobody tells a chef how to cook a chicken.
  • 3
    🎪 🎪🤹‍♀️🤹🤹‍♂️🤡🎪
  • 4
    That's the difference between a programmer and a developer as stated in clean coder. Developers not only do what they're asked but help to solve the problem by designing a solution. It's not the manager's responsibility but developers. Read clean codeR for more about this.
  • 7
    Clown Driven Development
  • 0
    @voodoo14 so i'm supposed to be told what to do, and then also guide the person who is telling me what to do about what they previously told me to do? I'm not onboard with that one
  • 0
    It's the opposite. What are the roles and responsibilities in your team?
  • 0
  • 1
    Clown Oriented Development
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