
Tried to do a startup for a year, did not make loss but did not get the funding to keep going. Now going back to previous company and taking up the old job. 😔

  • 10
    Good on you for trying buddy 👍 few manage to achieve what you've done
  • 3
    Yep @theactionslack is right, you had the balls to try and that matter as much as succeeding
    Sometimes life is just like chess, you just gotta go back a few steps to make the right jump
    Don't give up and keep thinking and planning the next move
  • 3
    Hey reaching where you are is very hard, just keep at it and if you have interest in start up keep writing down any new idea that pops up. Will help you a lot
  • 3
    Shit happens. You should try again later.
  • 2
    Dont give up! Learn from your mistakes and do it all over again if that is your goal! Startups are difficult
  • 1
    now you know better, keep trying. and even you fail again, you'll fail better
  • 3
    ++ because I'm not yet in your situation.
    My startup is a month old, sometimes I feel like quitting and just settling for a good ol' dev job... but then somewhere inside, in my heart, I know I will never settle - not without pushing this into whatever conclusion that may come.

    What is the worst that can happen? Learning sth?

    ++ To all founders and entrepreneurs. To the adventurers.
  • 1
    @jodom you gave me goosebumps! 😊
  • 1
    @purple-engineer why? You're purple! 😂🤓
  • 1
    @jodom i get misty with nice pep talks 🙄. Its a bug i have been trying to get rid of for years....
  • 2
    Haha, you are funny, I'll report you to DevRant 😂😂 @purple-engineer
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