i don't have the energy to argue against this bullshit any longer

when you're trying so hard to build a piece of crap that nobody needs, fine.

  • 2
    Holy shit, what did he do now?
  • 4
    @CodingPeasant i invited PM today to have a discussion about the misalignment both in our teams and between teams, and that we lack a common vision about we actually want to build.
    we really tried to nail him down to actually give us some perspective or explanation, i even reminded him of his tasks as a PO, but he has made up his mind. he doesn't care what other stakeholders want, but he isn't able to formulate another vision either, not even to us devs.
  • 4
    also, in this discussion, he confused us all the time by stating things about the current plan of the software which are just plain wrong, and we needed to correct him all the time. e.g. he said something like "external modules X Y will communicate with each other directly", and i asked "what about our component Z, i thought this should do the job", and he said "we won't do that"... and i said "okay, but why is dev Z (who was also in the meeting) currently implementing this component Z? you ordered him to do so in this sprint." PMs reaction: *crickets chirping for a veeeeeeery long time*.....okay yeah, we do need that
    this happens so often. PM says "we do it this way, end of discussion", and I say "but what about this and that", and PM back-pedals a bit and says "okay we need something like this"... and this all the time.
    it is so exhausting when you cannot rely on anything he says and have to challenge this all the time because it all makes no sense...
  • 4
    @soull00t does he know agility and volatility aren't the same thing?
  • 3
    Sometimes, a tactical defeat can be a strategic victory.

    Then again, as long as you can rant, you could fight, because as Descartes put it: "I rant, therefore I am." ^^
  • 2
    @CodingPeasant agility and everything else follow his very own definition from PM-pedia ^^'
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop "Sometimes, a tactical defeat can be a strategic victory."
    please elaborate ^^
  • 1
    @soull00t If this shit fails and you have kept the paper trail to pinpoint the root cause, i.e. the PM, that could be enough to convince your management. Especially if you also add in that this was exactly what engineering had been telling management for months: "told you so"(tm).
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop okay, yeah that's true. i've already decided to fall back to this strategy and explain to other teams that their expectations do not fit what PM has in mind.

    in fact i already did today. the reaction of other teams was quite interesting.
    i think they're finally beginning to understand that PM won't give them what they want, even if we, his devs, share their opinion.

    this has the really absurd consequence that they now think about how each team can implement these functionalities on their own, since we won't provide them. they will also define in parallel, what API calls they would actually expect from us. we will also prepare a list of what API calls we're going to provide in PM's opinion, will lay these lists side by side, and then all together admire the great sparkling mismatch.
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