
So they were having trouble with the server always being slow and maxed to 100%, so the boss told me when wait times were hitting 5+mins due to server trying to catch up, he complained at me, said if I could get the wait time to 30sec to instant he would raise my pay to 90k a year, then walked away after I agreed, I was quite serious but I don't think he thought I was, so I decided to look over the system, IDK who but they put all the calculations and processing server-side for the CA's on floor then sent the completed view to the CA, so I spent months recreating the entire system except the server only pulled the data needed then the new client would do all the processing on their computer since they weren't doing anything anyways, I did a practice run today as its one of our peak days, wait times went to barely 5secs or "instant" according to CA's, I walked into the office, slapped that hourly report down after just two hours and showed the massive increase in employees production times.

That look on his face...
That look on my face...
That look on my next check...


  • 10
    Incredible. Great work!
  • 6
    In which currency?

    Great job!
  • 12
    American. $
  • 1
    @Pelle i had the same question!
  • 1
    Tay only two more ++ till 20 :)
  • 0
    Good work
  • 0
    Reminds me of something my dad has been talking about recently- except that the devs dropped the DB.
  • 0
    What was your previous?

    I guess I'm kind of the same... I'm like the only guy that writes apps to solve problems and reduce repetitive work... Everyone else just uses manual brute force.... ineffective brute force.

    i.e. I can analyze and diagnose issues for systems by parsing logs, maybe 5 mins max. They use grep and can't find anything....
  • 7
    To be honest, I wasn't supposed to put into production my test server, but theirs no way I was going to wait 6+ months for off site testing, approval by the upper dbags that take even more time by having "expert opinions" look over my code and then, just maybe, get to test it on a small team for a short time on a slow day. I knew if I wanted to prove myself I had to ignore the normal channels and methods to get new apps approved and push my system live to the whole company to prove my ability and point in how operations were done. But trust me I was sweating bullets those two hours in live because if I missed a bug, ducked up a view or changed the design aspect even a little to much, I most likely would have gotten fire on spot :0
  • 0
    @gears wow ballsy. Good for you for pulling it off!
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